Right in front of our noses :) This is how life works when it comes to hiding happiness. It is not that we always fail to recognize it for what it is. Heck, at times we are even grateful - sincerely at that - for what we have. But eventually, we move on in search of greener pastures, a better me, a better them, a different overall. We refuse to believe that the solution to life's puzzle could be this straightforward, the answer to our questions as simple, and that which we have been seeking with endless restlessness this obvious. The mind continues to crave complexity and that which is obvious remains comfortably hidden and inconspicuous from our questing gaze.
I love stories. Stories that speak of Truth, which bring us closer to who we are, and help us see things the way they are. In this vain I started a book yesterday - Beggar king and the secret of happiness. This is the story of a storyteller, who happens to lose his voice, and his journey from self-defeat to discovering something within that is unconquerable, not defeat-able. Along the way, through trials and inquisitiveness, he author stumbles upon the meaning of life. His quest, like a wise ancient map, is there for any who may be drawn by such an impulse.
His story reminds me of days and associations in my own life, which I have found to be most profound, which I cherish most deeply. They are all, invariably, rooted in coming upon the truth of my life at that instance and in my taking the courage to stand next to it unabashed.
Truth offers us many lies so we are not afraid in approaching her. Such is a sum of our lives. Those days are special when we show the courage to show up next to our Truth. The truth of a sense of vulnerability and discontentment in face of outer calm; sitting next to our frustration and anger in abeyance of a false outer acceptance; holding hands of the strong inner desire to relate to another, letting the surrogate support of "I am not really emotional" drop away.
I found this little book delightful in its rendering of insightful stories that inspire, make us smile, laugh, may be even tear up a little. But above all, it is about coming upon Truth, our Truth. For there is nothing more frightening or more healing than the light of the truth, especially when we have, as we all have, become accustomed to the diluted filtered streaks of Truth pouring through the thick heavy curtains of the lies we tell ourselves, of the lies we believe of what others tell us about ourselves, just so we can keep up the outward appearances of "having it all together".
May we all embrace Light.