How does one overcome regrets, resentments, and accompanying anger and hatred? How does one truly forgive – another and oneself? It often feels much easier to forget than to try to forgive.
The idea that another caused me harm takes away all peace of mind. The heart then harbors anger and the desire to hurt back. It wants to shriek and scream at the perpetrator and also at itself for being stupid. How is one to heal the heart of its sorrows? Does one move away from those that caused us hurt or does one move towards feigning love? What is one to do?
Why is one trying to fix things? Why is it so difficult to be with the discomfort of things as they are? Why are we such slaves to comfort – whether physical or psychological? Why do we need to keep changing things? Could we actually keep them from changing?
Is it then a matter of patience – give the situation enough time and persevere in the meantime until the hurt is healed and the heart is whole again? And to remain cognizant, compassionate, and understanding in the meantime to not add to the hurt through actions that are born from a place of confusion and ignorance? Can one be at peace with one’s inner turmoil?