21 May 2012

A journey from living to being truly alive

That who suffers in you, suffers in all suffering everywhere. None cause hurt to another unless they are hurting themselves. This understanding is the beginning of compassion, is the room for forgiveness, and is the place of love.

With the innocence of a child be completely convinced at all times of the following truths:

1. Everyone loves me
Ignore any and all of another's seemingly insolent acts, rooted in ignorance, in the  same way as a mother ignores the outcries of her child while continuing to attend to her child's needs with great care, love and compassion.

2. I love everyone
Regardless of what negativity may arise within, act and speak only from a place of great love. Truly care for the well being of those around you regardless of their attitude or action. Speak less, speak well.

3. I want nothing
Life has taken care of you this far and it will continue to take care of you. Have unflinching faith that your needs will be taken care of. And realize that the need is not always for food, sometimes the need is to experience hunger; the need is not always for acceptance, sometimes the need for us is to experience alienation. Only one who is not afraid to till the soils of scarcity gets to experience the true joy of fields of abundance. Continue to diligently attend to your duties in life without demand for anything.

4. Whatever I have is for the service and good of everyone
Do all the good that you can, in all ways you can. Do not hold back, do not calculate. In any situation, always ask what is needed and how can I help?

5. Commit to happiness
Above all, do not let your happiness be a victim of your circumstances. When something makes you upset, make it a point to truly and genuinely smile from the core of your being, your heart. No negativity would be able to stick to you, your heart would be free of all resentment. Declare your freedom to be happy unconditionally - for conditions are always changing.