06 May 2013

The Journey Within

I feel tired
the road seems long
I feel I have been traveling
for long, forlorn.

So far I have come
Yet so far to go still
What distances have I covered
What roads await still

To what end
I sometimes ask
All this travel
All this running about

A voice, my own
tells me to move on
There is no arrival it says,
Only moving on

Moving on to what
I ask
It does not know
it says

It itself
keeps moving on
So should I
for that's the way

The way to what
I ask again
You ask too much
Is all she says

I then
look ahead
I then
look behind

From where I have come
No place
To which I may arrive

The world moves
As I stand still
Sands of time
Burn in my eyes

From this stillness I watch
The roads go by
Decorations of flowers
Tears from swollen eyes